Friday, October 16, 2015

It's the little things.

I am really beginning to be aware of how much easy access we had in the United States. Anytime I felt like I wanted or needed something we just jumped in the car and went to get it. Simple. Here…not so simple.

I believe I have mentioned before that there is no such thing as running to grab something quick. If we forget butter or toilet paper it is a minimum 1½ hour outing. Also, to find what you are looking for is another challenge.

The lighting in our rental is adequate but not ideal. I really like soft light in a room. It makes me feel cozy. The rental’s light is harsh and bright. Brandon always made fun of me for the amount of lamps we had and that I had a lamp on in almost every room of the house in Minneapolis.

When we first met LindaBlue (our midwife) I asked her if she knew of any place we could buy a table lamp. She shared that lamps are very hard to find around the lake. That we could for sure find one in Guatemala City but good luck finding one here. We looked and looked and she was correct.

At our first prenatal visit at Linda’s house we shared with her how we loved the amount of light her house had. We again talked about the lighting situation in our rental. She shared with us that many people use white Christmas lights as lighting here and that we should have someone bring us a few strings from the states…. yesterday she gifted us a string!  I cannot tell you how happy this simple string of lights made me and also the impact it made on the coziness of the room.

It is a bit dorm roomy but we love it! I am hoping to scrounge up two more strings. 

Another exciting thing that happened this week is that the Guardians from the properties around our house put an addition onto the dock in front of our house! The lake is low and this has made our dock very high. Getting on and off the taxi boats is a major challenge due to the height and many taxis don’t seem to want to stop…at least not for us…they stop for the locals every time! The addition is lower and also has a step that Brandon and I used as a bench last night to watch the lake as the sun went down.

 We are very excited because my mom and Brandon's parents have booked flights to come visit us! Come on down folks. We will show you a good time...screaming baby and all!! 


Katie and Brandon

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